Key Workers – new dates added…

Dear Parents

I sincerely hope that you, and your extended families, are keeping well. I wanted to get in touch regarding the provision school can offer to support the key work you are doing in the coming weeks. Schools have been asked to consider if they are able to open over the usual Easter break for the children of key workers, as we are aware that many have had annual leave cancelled or have been asked to work additional hours. We feel that we are able to offer this at Tranmere and so I’m writing to you to ask that you complete the attached form to indicate any days you need to be able to send your children into school over the following two week period. Again, can I please stress that this is emergency provision and should only be used as such. If there is any way that your child can be cared for at home then they should be. This is for the safety of the children but also of the staff being asked to come into work over this period.

With this in mind, I am obviously attempting to only ask the minimum number of staff required each day to come to work. It would be very much appreciated if you could let us know in advance the dates you need your child to come to school and also to please give us at least 24 hours notice if the place is no longer needed (if at all possible). Please could we also ask that you complete the form by 5pm on Thursday 2nd April as this will allow us to put appropriate plans in place with correct numbers in mind. You can contact the school in the usual way – either by phone 01943 875050 (please note the office hours are now 08:45am until 3:15pm) or by email to [email protected]

Please click HERE for the link to the form. Please only fill this in if you, or your partner, are key workers and you are requiring your child to come in to school. Negative replies are not required, thanks.

Many thanks once again for your ongoing support. Please look after yourselves.

Mrs Hodgson