Skylarks News

Today was KS1s Muddy Puddles Day and despite the especially cold weather, the children enjoyed a wide array of activities in the wonderful great outdoors. The morning’s activities focused on knots. The children learnt to tie a one thread and two thread knot before progressing on to tying their shoe laces! The children persevered so …

This term our topic has been ‘Toys’. As part of this unit, the children have learnt about old and new toys and how toys have changed over the years. As our exit point, we went on a trip to Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall, where the children were given the opportunity first hand to explore …

Exit Point – Year 1 Visit Abbey House Museum | 22 Nov 2022

This term our topic has been ‘Toys’. As part of this unit, the children have learnt about old and new toys and how toys have changed over the years. As our exit point, we went on a trip to Abbey House Museum in Kirkstall, where the children were given the opportunity first hand to explore …

To prepare us for writing our own character description about the tiger from The Tiger who Came to Tea, we spent some time reading a range of character descriptions and discussing the features. We were able to identify LOTS of adjectives describing appearance and personality. We then chose our favourite piece of writing and gave …

Year 2 have been learning how to order numbers to 100 from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest. They practised building their numbers so that they could clearly see the amount of tens and ones each number had.

Today marks the start of Anti-Bullying week for 2022. To show our support, we have all come to school dressed in odd/crazy socks! In classes, we have discussed that this represents how is it cool for us all to be different, and how we should never be unkind towards others because of their differences. Throughout …

This week, Year 2 have been learning how to count in 10s and 1s on a number line. Today, we practised estimating on a number line. We challenged each other to estimate where different numbers would be placed.

This week, Year 1 have been learning how to compare numbers using <, > and =. Today, we moved on to ordering objects and numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest. We could describe our sequences using words such as greatest and smallest. Some of us even used inequality signs in our sequences!

KS1’s Muddy Puddle/Outdoor Learning Day (Tuesday 29th November) Tuesday 29th November is KS1’s Muddy Puddle Day for this term. On this day, please do not send your child into school wearing their school uniform. Instead, the children should come to school in clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty. As we will be outside for …

Today, Skylarks used practical equipment to explore finding fewer, more or the same of a number. We compared numbers and used sentence stems to help our understanding. We then completed a problem solving task, where we had to identify statements that were true or false. A brilliant effort, Year 1!
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