Today, the children explored addition practically. Using pictorial representations, the children identified the parts and the whole and were able to show this in tens frames and part whole models. The children impressed us with their independence and understanding of number. Well done, Year 1!
In maths, Year 1 have been practising number bonds. They completed part-whole models, identifying different ways the whole can be made using their knowledge of number bonds. For example, 5: 0 + 5, 1 + 4, 2 + 3, 4 +1, 5 + 0. They then were challenged to an activity, matching the number bonds …
In today’s science lesson, we compared the suitability of different everyday materials. Each group were given a description of an object and they had to work together to decide which material would be the most suitable to use. Each group explained their reasoning to the rest of the class, including mentioning the properties that the …
This half term, our topic is Journeys and Transport. As our entry point, the children worked in pairs to create sections of a small world area. These included air, sea, road and rail transport. Later on, the children will piece these sections together to create a much larger small world area with which they can …
In Maths, Year 2 have been learning how to add and subtract 1s. First, they worked in groups to add and subtract 3 1-digit numbers and represent this in different pictorial representations. Afterwards, in pairs, they played roll the dice, where they had to find the total of their 3 numbers. Once we had practised …
This morning, in Skylarks class, we’ve enjoyed catching up with our friends, discussing what we did over the Christmas break and thinking about what we would like to get better at in 2023. We had some fantastic ideas! Here are a few: – I would like to get better at football. – I would like …
In KS1, we have been designing and making our own toy cars. The purpose was to design and make a functional and appealing toy car which would carry a Lego figure. Our toy cars had to have a chassis, four wheels, two axles and a body. We used card, sellotape, glue, paper, cardboard or wooden …
Yesterday, the children in KS1 had a fabulous time partying in the hall with their friends. We played four corners, musical statues, pass the parcel and even had time to practise our dance moves to some Christmas music. Afterwards, the children spent time chatting to their friends while enjoying some delicious snacks! Merry Christmas KS1. …
Over the past couple of weeks, all children, from EYFS to Year 6, have been working hard on their Little Inventors Christmas Competition task. Children were given the following brief and had to come up with their own original, weird and wonderful ideas! ‘Tis the season to hang the stockings, roll up the snowmen, and …
KS1 Nativity 2022 | 05 Dec 2022
For the first time in front of an audience, KS1 performed ‘Baubles’. We are so proud of all of them and their performance! Attached is the official programme. Baubles Programme 2022