Red Kites News

Below are just a few snaps of what Woodpeckers and Red Kites have been getting up to in their recent science topics: Light and Electricity.

Over the past few weeks in English, we have been learning all about kenning poems. We have had a lot of fun identifying their key features, understanding how they’re written and writing our own about various objects and people. For our next assessed write, we are going to be writing 2 kenning poems about 2 …

Y3 Book Explorers | 07 Jul 2022

What a fantastic group of readers! Over the past five weeks Book Explorers club have been  been exploring Mr Penguin and The Lost Treasure by Alex T Smith. We have had lots of fun looking at the characters, adventures and themes of the story. We have played games, including hot seating, the dice of truth …

Today in Red Kites, we have learned all about measuring the capacity of objects. To begin with, we discussed the term capacity and the units of measurements we use when determining this (ml and l) and, the conversions between these. Then, we had a look at different measuring jugs and cylinders that allow us to …

This week in Red Kites, we have started our new Math topic, Mass and Capacity. Today, we have learned all about weighing solid objects. To begin with, we discussed the unit of measurements we use when weighing solid objects (g and kg) and the conversions between these. Then, we had a look at different types …

This week in Red Kites, we have been learning all about Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses. To begin with, we discovered that the Ancient Egyptians celebrated lots of different gods, who they believed all played different roles. The Ancient Egyptians thought that in order to make it to the afterlife, these different gods would judge …

Today in Red Kites, we have been comparing the lifestyles of two different ancient civilisations. To begin with, we decided on a variety of key categories to research about. Then, using the iPads, information sheets and our books, we worked together to find out key facts about these categories. Once completed, we got back together …

This week, have started a new topic in Maths all about shape. To begin with today, we have re-capped our previous knowledge of this subject. Firstly, we shared our current knowledge of shapes and discussed our understanding of the similarities and differences between 2-D and 3-D shapes. Then, we went on a shape hunt round …

This summer, Queen Elizabeth II has her platinum jubilee – the longest reign of any British monarch! In the 70 years that she has been queen, the world has changed in many ways. Each year group at Tranmere Park have researched a decade and created a collage. These collages, collected as one, tell a story …

Red Kites and Woodpeckers have been investigating shadows and silhouettes. Have a look at the pics below.
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