Red Kites News

It’s a 10 out of 10 from us…

Today in Red Kites, we have completed the ‘make’ stage of our DT cooking project. We’ve measured, weighed, chopped, grated and finely grated, peeled, snipped, torn, boiled, stirred, drained, garnished… forgotten to actually add the sauce (whoops)…and of course, eaten!

This afternoon in Red Kites we’ve had a VERY fun time learning all about the digestive system. Firstly, we looked at all the major organs involved in the process. Then, we got stuck into the messy part… Below is a picture of each stage of the digestion process. Why not ask us what’s happening at …

In Topic today, we were tasked with the job of creating a biography of Boudicca. To begin, we discussed what a biography is and why somebody might write one. Then, we looked at its key features through a biography example of Tom Daley. Next, we decided on some key headings that would be good to …

In science this week we’ve been learning all about the skeleton. To begin with, we discussed what our skeleton is and why it is so important. Then, we found out the scientific names for some of our bones. Some of these were very complex! After this, we discussed how everyone’s skeleton is different and started …

In Science so far this half-term, we have been learning all about food and healthy eating. After creating a healthy meal-plan for specific clients last week (body builders, marathon runners and a standard adult), we were presented with the task of designing a specific meal for a vegetarian. To begin with, we had a look …

As part of our English this half-term, we are focusing on diary writing. This week we have been identifying key features that a good diary entry contains. Today we have looked at simple, compound and complex sentences. To begin with, we looked at what the definitions of these words are. We found this tricky at …

Today in Topic, we learned all about Julius Caesar. To begin with, we completed some independent research using books, information sheets and the internet. We then got together as a class to share all of the interesting facts that we had found out. Next, we watched a video that explained all about Julius Caesar’s life …

Today, we took part in a workshop exploring bullying in all its forms. We used drama and improvisation to show the different forms that bullying can take: cyber bullying, physical bullying and verbal bullying. We discussed how bullying can occur anywhere and how we all have an important role to play in ensuring we recognise …

In our reading lessons in Red Kites we have been reading the book ‘Fortunately the Milk…’. Today we had a go at using different vocabulary to give things crazy names, just like Professor Steg does in the book. To begin with, we had a go at describing the different objects on our tables. Then we …
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