This afternoon, Eagles class went to visit our newly arrived eggs in their incubator. The eggs were all different colours which we learnt was because we have eggs from lots of different breeds of chicken. We were very lucky as one had already started to hatch! We look forward to meeting our new chicks in …
We have thoroughly enjoyed our topic this half term. We’ve learnt all about ‘The First Moon Landing’, Neil Armstrong and ‘The Great Fire of London.’ The children have amazed us with just how enthusiastic they have been to complete extra learning at home and they’ve enjoyed sharing this learning with the class. To conclude our …
In Eagles class the children have been learning about ‘The Great Fire of London.’ We have sequenced the events of ‘The Great Fire’ and looked closely at a range of sources including content from Samuel Pepy’s diary, books and DVD footage. Today, the children worked in groups to answer key questions about ‘The Great Fire …
This half term, KS1 have been learning about Islam in RE. To extend our learning, we were very fortunate today to have one of our parents come to talk to us about their religion. She talked to us about the five pillars of Islam. These are Shahadah (declaration of faith), Salah (praying five times a …
Today, Eagles thoroughly enjoyed a practical 2D shape lesson. The children have learnt to identify 2D shapes and can discuss their properties. In today’s lesson, the children were given a range of shapes and could choose how they sorted them. Some children chose to sort their shapes by size, colour, number of sides and name …
This week, Eagles have really enjoyed learning about shape! We have have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and have completed lots of practical activities including shape hunts and shape sorting activities. In today’s maths lesson, the children went on a shape hunt, looking for 2D shapes in the school playground. They were quick …
As part of our topic ‘All Dressed Up’, the children designed and made their own T-shirts. They used joining techniques such as sewing, stapling, gluing and safety pinning alongside coiling, rolling, fringing and stamping to create their finished product. As our exit point, the children put on a fashion show for Herons and Skylarks. They …
This week, Heron’s class were extremely excited to be taking their learning outside of the walls of our wonderful school. This was the children’s first school trip since the pandemic and the children were thoroughly looking forward to the day. The day did not disappoint! The coach journey itself was a highlight and when we …
Today Eagles class took part in a fun and interactive anti-bullying workshop. The children were reminded that they are each different and that this makes them special. To remind them of this, they learnt a poem called ‘It’s Good to Be Me’. They recognised that they each look different, have different skills and likes/dislikes. They …
As our exit point, we opened our own art gallery to showcase all of our recent artwork. We were very lucky to have some very special guests – Kingfisher class! The children partnered up and the year ones were given the opportunity to showcase their work to a member of Kingfisher class. They were then …