Each week, children will bring home a weekly homework sheet and new spellings to learn. We will alternate between maths and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG) worksheets. Homework will be sent out in book bags on Mondays and should be completed by the following Monday. Please send this homework back into school, noting any difficulties …
Please find attached the Homework Grid for our topic this term, Toys. The Knowledge Organisers for Topic, English, Maths and Science are also attached. KS1 – Homework Grid – Toys Autumn 2022 KS1 Knowledge Organiser -Toys – Autumn 2022 English Knowledge Organiser Y1 Autumn English Knowledge Organiser Y2 Autumn Year 1 Maths Knowledge Organiser Autumn Term …
What a fantastic group of readers! Over the past five weeks Book Explorers club have been been exploring Mr Penguin and The Lost Treasure by Alex T Smith. We have had lots of fun looking at the characters, adventures and themes of the story. We have played games, including hot seating, the dice of truth …
Wow! What a fantastic workshop we have had. AnimalsUK visited KS1 and we got to learn about lots of different animals. The children had the opportunity to hold and feel a tortoise, snake, skunk, tarantula and a meerkat. The children had so many excellent questions for Laura too. What an exciting opportunity!
Please find attached the Homework Grid for our topic this half-term, Local Geography Study. The Knowledge Organisers for Topic, English, Maths and Science are also attached. These are also posted on Google Classroom. KS1 – Homework Grid Local Study Geography 2022 Local Geography Study KS1 Knowledge Organiser- Summer 2nd Cyc 2 2022 English Knowledge Organiser Summer …
As part of our art work we have been working on our brush strokes. First we had a first attempt at painting a tree. The concentration was intense and there are some really good results. We then have used thick and thin paint brushes to practise different techniques. Take a look at our work. We …
Please find attached the Homework Grid for our topic this half-term, ‘We Are What We Eat’. The Knowledge Organisers for Topic, English, Maths and Science are also attached. These are also posted on Google Classroom. KS1 Homework Grid-We Are What We Eat Summer 1st 2022 We Are What We Eat KS1 Knowledge Organiser- Summer 1st Cyc …
This week we have been measuring using non-standard units and centimetres. We compared lengths and heights, using the vocabulary longer, shorter, taller and smaller. We measured physical objects and drawings. We were very good at estimating too.
As part on our work on structures, we have been learning a range of different strengthening and stiffening techniques. We experimented with paper to see if we could make it stronger and stiffer. We had a go at rolling, folding and layering. We discussed how triangle shapes are often used to strengthen too. It was …
To start our new topic on Structures, the children were challenged to work as a team and create a standing tower. They were provided with newspaper and sellotape, but no more information was shared. The concentration was intense. We will complete the activity again when we have practised specific techniques. Watch this space!