Tonight’s the night. Please come and support our very talented children. Tickets are available online until 5.30pm and then can be purchased in the box office upstairs (next to the sweet shop) from 6pm. The show starts at 6.30pm and the auditorium is open from 6pm. All children performing need to come to the performers …
On Wednesday a group of children took part in a Forest Rangers day. The children had a great time working together and making bug houses, weaving, whittling and they managed to create a fantastic sign which all of the staff were very impressed with!
We have some great acts lined up this years for TGT. Come and watch the dancers, comedians, singers, gymnasts, alongside a few surprises. Our show starts at 6:30pm, with Guiseley Theatre doors opening from 6pm. The show will finish around 8pm. It’s a fun night out for everyone. Come and support the performers …
KS1 Homework Grid-History Study and Book Topic-Beegu KS1 Topic Knowledge Organiser Summer 2nd Cycle 1 2019 English Knowledge Organiser Summer Year 1 English Knowledge Organiser Y2 Summer Maths Knowledge Organiser Y1 Summer Maths Knowledge Organiser Y2 Summer Science Knowledge Organiser KS1 Habitats – Gardens and Allotments Y2 unit
During forest rangers the children had a great time looking for sticks and different materials to build their boats with. They had to work together as a team to see if their boat would float or sink. All of the teams managed to make their boats float! We were very impressed with their designs and …
Just a reminder that tomorrow 3/5/19 is KS1 Muddy Puddle day. We will be outside for the majority of the day and will be accessing the grassy banks. We will also be outside come rain or shine so please make sure that your child is dressed for all weathers. Wellies are ideal, alongside a waterproof …
Year 1 A phonics homework sheet has been sent home in preparation for the screening check. Ask your child to segment and blend each word and tick the words they can read. Please send back in to school. Year 2 Today children have completed an arithmetic style test with questions similar to those they will get …
Please help us increase our fundraising by using the link below and give every time you spend on amazon. For every purchase you make amazon will make a donation to Tranmere Park Parent Teacher Association. Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you to all the children who brought in tombola prizes. Here is a picture of the raffle winners.