Author Archives: Miss Elliott

This week, Year 2 have been learning how to count in 10s and 1s on a number line. Today, we practised estimating on a number line. We challenged each other to estimate where different numbers would be placed.

This week, Year 1 have been learning how to compare numbers using <, > and =. Today, we moved on to ordering objects and numbers from smallest to greatest and greatest to smallest. We could describe our sequences using words such as greatest and smallest. Some of us even used inequality signs in our sequences!

Today, Skylarks used practical equipment to explore finding fewer, more or the same of a number. We compared numbers and used sentence stems to help our understanding. We then completed a problem solving task, where we had to identify statements that were true or false. A brilliant effort, Year 1!

Last week, Skylarks enjoyed their class drop in, where they were able to show their friends and family what they have been learning about. The children firstly performed ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’, in French! They then enjoyed painting pumpkins to show the adults how to make secondary colours by mixing primary colours. They then …

Year 1 have been practising counting backwards within 10. In our maths lesson, we learnt how to find one less of a number. We used practical resources to show our understanding, played partner games and were challenged with reasoning and problem solving questions. Test us at home too to see what we know!

In maths, Year 2 have been learning how to flexibly partition numbers to 100. Some children used base 10 to help them and others pictorially represented the numbers. Other children were able to work the partition mentally. We created numbers sentences and part whole models on our whiteboards.

To celebrate Black History Month, we met Gaspard and Adama from Zamble African Dance company. We learnt about their culture, then learnt an African dance and song. The photos show just how much fun we all had – teachers included! Back in class, we discussed the importance of Black History Month and why we celebrate …

In today’s maths lesson, the children used Base10, Numicon, place value counters and bead strings to represent numbers to 100. To do this, they had to identify the number of tens and ones in each number. A super effort today, Year 2!

Yesterday, the children practised using pictorial representations to count objects from a group. They discussed how many objects they had counted, how many objects were left and how many objects there were altogether. In today’s lesson, we practised representing numbers in different ways. The children used the ‘write it, draw it, show it’ grids to …

This half-term, our English lessons focus on ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Skylarks have enjoyed reading the story, asking questions and sequencing the story events. Today, we worked in groups to act out parts of the story. We divided up the roles of mother, tiger, Sophie and father and remembered as many key parts …
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