In this week’s maths lesson, Year 2 have been learning to recognise different coins and strategies to add these coins together – both pounds and pence. Today, the children worked in pairs to add up their given coins and write the total amount.
Miss Bell and I would just like to say how proud we are of ALL our Year 2 children for being absolute superstars and working very hard over the last couple of weeks. Today, the children were rewarded with an ‘Outdoor Activities’ session with Mr Joynson and all had a fabulous time! Take a look …
To conclude our fruit based activities (linked to the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo), today the children practised their food technology skills preparing a fruit salad. The children used the bridge and claw techniques to cut the fruit and to prepare it for eating. We then spent our afternoon break time enjoying our creation!
In today’s maths lesson, we took our learning outside and enjoyed using chalk to draw out representations of fractions on the playground!
As our exit point, the children worked in groups to create their own tower. They only had newspaper, scissors and sellotape and had to utilise many of the techniques that they had learnt during this unit.The children used strengthening techniques such as rolling, folding and layering. They also knew to have a wider base and …
This morning, Y2 have been practising how to divide by sharing sticks into equal groups. Using chalk, they were also able to write division calculations to describe their groups. We love learning outdoors!
Today, Y2 enjoyed exploring facts related to odd and even numbers. We used our reasoning and problem solving skills to learn that: If you add 2 to an even number, the answer will always be even. The sum of an even number and an odd number equals an odd number. If you add 1 to …
As part on our work on structures, we have been learning a range of different strengthening and stiffening techniques. We experimented with paper to see if we could make it stronger and stiffer. We had a go at rolling, folding and layering. We discussed how triangle shapes are often used to strengthen too. It was …
To celebrate International Maths Day, KS1 spent their afternoon in the sunshine, completing a range of maths challenges on the playground. Take a look at our photos below.